Category:Peritoneal Cavity - Traumatic & Abnormal Content

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Traumatic lesions

  • Physical trauma to the abdomen is very common
  • Sequele:
    • Peritonitis if infection is introduced from the external environment or through ruptured gut
    • Haemorrhage
    • Ureamia
    • Dysfunction of organs
    • Aquired hernias

Hernia, Acquired Diaphragmatic

Abnormal contents of peritoneal cavity


Rectal perforation

  • Usually due to accidental damage during rectal examination of horses
  • Most tears 25 - 30cm from the anus on the dorsal aspect
  • When muscularis perforated - potential for contamination of the abdomen

Ruptured uterus

Images of ruptured uterus with secondary fibrinous peritonitis in a cow by Cornell Veternary Medicine

  • In pregnant animals due to trauma, fetuses die and cause peritonitis if not removed
  • Due to closed pyometra

Post-mortem rupture

  • Putrification may cause rupture of a viscus post mortem
  • The margins of the defect are not inflamed nor haemorrhagic

Pages in category "Peritoneal Cavity - Traumatic & Abnormal Content"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.