Also known as: Lockjaw


Tetanus is a highly-fatal infectious disease caused by the neurotoxin of the gram-positive bacterium Clostridium tetani, resulting in spastic paralysis of affected animals. Clostridium tetani causes infection via wound contamination and deposition of bacterial spores in tissue under anaerobic conditions. Cuts, deep puncture wounds of the foot and surgical sites may all provide sites of entry for infective spores. C. tetaniproduces tetanospasmin, a neurotoxin that is transferred to distant sites via the vascular system. This causes inhibition of the release of GABA and glycine from interneurons in the spinal cord and brain, resulting in tetanic spasms. The incubation period varies from one to four weeks.


All domestic species of all ages may be affected but foals may be particularly susceptible due to the possibility of infection through the umbilicus. Mare may also be affected following foaling.


Diagnosis is often based on history of a penetrating wound and clinical signs. Affected animals may have no history of vaccination against tetanus.

Clinical Signs

  • Sudden onset stiff gait
  • Rigid posture ('sawhorse stance')
  • Protrusion of the third eyelid, particularly after mild stimulation
  • Trismus (lockjaw)
  • Nostril flaring
  • Retracted lips
  • Elevated tail head
  • Dysphagia
  • Tetanic spasms of the neck, trunk, masseter and limb muscles

Cases may vary from mild signs of a short, stilted gait, to complete recumbency with spastic paralysis. Recumbency may be followed by paralysis of the respiratory muscles, leading to death due to hypoxia or aspiration pneumonia.

Laboratory Tests


Other Tests


  • Wound debridement
    • Surgical removal of dead and infected tissue from the wound.
  • Antibiotic treatment.
    • Metronidazole
      • Treatment with metronidazole decreases the number of bacteria but has no effect on the bacterial toxin.
      • Metronidazole is particularly active against anaerobic bacteria, and so is a good choice for use against C. tetani
    • Penicillin
      • Penicillin is becoming a less favoured treatment for tetanus, since there is a theoretical risk of increased spasms.
  • Muscle relaxants
    • Diazepam
    • Midazolam
  • Supportive therapy, for example:
    • Administering fluids
    • Providing appropriate nutrition
    • Maintaining a quiet environment with dimmed light.
  • Remission take several weeks to months

