Stomoxys calcitrans


Stomoxys calcitrans (Image sourced from Skoch3, Wikimedia Commons)
Also known as: Stable fly
  • Visiting biting fly
    • Feeds on the host
    • Spends most of its time off the host e.g. In flight or resting on buildings, foliage and fences
  • Attacks most animals
  • Found worldwide


  • 5-7mm long
  • Forward-pointing proboscis (biting)
    • Both males and females suck blood
  • Grey thorax and abdomen
  • Longitudinal grey stripes on thorax
  • Large black spots on abdomen
  • Clear wings

Life cycle

  • Eggs laid on rotting hay and straw
  • Larvae feed on vegetable matter
  • Life cycle takes 1 month
  • Adult flies survive for 1 month


  • Production losses
    • Reduced weight gain
    • Milk yield losses
      • Up to 20% in cattle affected by fly worry
  • Mechanical vectors for protozoa e.g. trypanosomes in warmer countries