Also known as: TseTse flies
Glossinidae (Image sourced from Abb. aus Meyers Lexikon, Wikimedia Commons)
  • Only found in Africa


  • 6-13mm long
  • Prominent forward pointing proboscis
  • Green thorax
  • Yellow/brown abdomen
  • Specific wing venation
    • Closed cell 'butchers cleaver' shape

Life cycle

  • Single larvae laid in shrubs
  • Larvae wriggles into the soil to pupate
  • Adult fly emerges 1 month later
  • Life cycle take 2 months to complete


  • Painful, irritating bites
    • Both males and females suck blood
  • Transmit trypanosomes
    • Cause 'nagana' (wasting) disease in cattle and 'sleeping sickness' in humans


  • Scrub clearance to remove resting sites
  • Localised eradication using baited traps
  • Sterile male insect release