Ethylene Glycol Toxicity


Ethylene Glycol is a sweet tasting fluid that is the main constituent of anti-freeze products.[1]. Consequently in colder climates ethylene glycol toxicity is frequently encountered in practice. It has a relatively low minimum lethal dose, and its sweet, palatable taste makes it attractive to dogs, cats and other small animals. [1], [2],[3]


  • Dogs: all ages, both sexes, following intoxication lower incidence of fatalities in dogs compared to cats [1]
  • Cats: all ages, both sexes
  • Birds
  • Other including pigs and cattle [3]


Clinical Signs

Severity of clinicals signs is inversely proportional to amount ingested. Time post-ingestion is also important.[3].

  • Dogs: Ataxia, depression and other neurological signs, tachycardia, tachypnoea, polydypsia, polyuria, dehydration, anorexia, emesis, miosis, hypothermia
    • coma and death, or if lesser amount ingested oliguric renal failure within 2 to 7 days after ingestion .[3], [4].

Laboratory Tests



Ethylene Glycol is a weak acid. Therefore in order to increase the rate of renal clearance sodium bicarbonate can be administered to dogs. Intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate at a concentration of 1-2 mmol/kg every 3 to 6 hours achieves sufficient alkalinisation of the urine.[5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult, Canine and Feline, Lippencott, Williams and Wilkins Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "multiple" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "multiple" defined multiple times with different content
  2. Feline Medicine and Therapeutics
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3, accessed on 31.10.2010
  4. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Emergency Care(Second Edition 2007)
  5. Canine Medicine and Therapeutics (Fourth Edition, 1998),Blackwell Science, p1049