
Seen most commonly in the cat. Elderly cats are affected with the average age of onset being 12-13 years.

Clinical signs:

  • Weight loss despite polyphagia
  • Increased activity, nervousness (approximately 10% will show apathy)
  • Polyuria and polydipsia
  • Heat intolerance, panting
  • Tachycardia >240 bpm
  • Poor coat, matted and unkempt
  • Palpable thyroid mass often present

Often see a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to chronically increased heart rate and activity.

Thyroid adenoma. Courtesy of T. Scase


>98% are a functional adenoma of the thyroid gland and many will be palpable.


Surgical removal of the affected thyroid gland(s). If bilateral it is important to preserve at least one parathyroid gland to maintain calcium homeostasis.

Medical treatment:

  • Carbamizole: Interferes with thyroid hormone synthesis.
  • Radioactive iodine therapy. Useful for intrathoracic thyroid nodules.

  • In young animals causes accelerated maturation of growth plate
  • In adults causes osteoporosis



Presentation/Clinical Signs

  1. Weight loss
  2. Cardiovascular effects
  3. Palpable goitre
  4. Hyperactive
  5. Polyuria
  6. Polydipsia


  1. T4 Assay
  2. T4 and TSH assay


  1. Surgical - Thyroidectomy
  2. Medical - Thiamazole blocks synthesis of T3 and T4.
  3. Radioactive Iodine