Name the virus that causes avian encephalomyeltits (AE)?
Avian encephalomyelitis-like virus 1 (AEV)
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What are the main economic concerns for breeders and layers about AE?
Temporary decrease in egg production in laying hens
Decrease in egg hatchability
Neurological disease and morbidity /mortality of chicks under three weeks of age
Surviving chicks are considered unlikely to be profitable
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How is AE spread?
Horizontally via faecal-oral route (main route of infection)
Vertical transmission from infected layer to their chicks
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What species of birds does AE affect?
Chickens (main domestic host)
Species of partridge
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What are the clinical signs of AE?
AE causes the most serious disease in chicks under 3 weeks of age. The clinical signs for this age group are:
neurological signs ranging from ataxia, rapid tremor of the head and neck, drooping of the wings, weakness, paralysis, exercise intolerance to blindness and changes in vocalisation.
Weight loss, lameness, and unthriftiness
Affected chicks sit on their hocks, and cannot move well and many fall over onto their sides
Laying hens rarely show clinical signs but the virus causes:
Temporary reduction (2 weeks) in egg production
Decrease in droppings
Decrease in hatching rates
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How can AE be diagnosed?
The following methods have been used to help diagnose Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE):
Virus Neutralization test
Agar Gel test
Embryo Susceptibility test
Elisa test
All of the above tests indicate exposure to AE but not neccessarily a current infection.
Diagnosis can be achieved confirmed by either histopathology or by virus isolation.
Post mortem and identification of pathognomonic lesions in the:
Midbrain and rotundua and ovidalis nucleus (microglisosis
Proventriculus (dense nodules within the muscular wall)
Lesions can also be present in the pancreas
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