David Gardner

About me

I am British Heart Foundation Lecturer and University Lecturer in Developmental Physiology at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham. I am married with 5 children.

Email: david.gardner@nottingham.ac.uk

This is me at the top of Ben Nevis as part of a self-organised 3-peaks challenge

David at the memorial

What I hope to get out of this project

Wikivet is an amazing collaboration between the Vet Schools which offers an educational resource of real value to undergraduate vet students.

My best learning experience

Almost definately my tutorials with my PhD supervisor, Professor Alan Jackson and other PhD students in the Nutrition Dept at University of Southampton.

and why it was good

He didn't just teach us facts but rather, taught us how to think.

Pathology that interests me

My research into the developmental programming of obesity and renal failure necessarily takes me into the pathophysiological arena of hepatic steatosis and chronic renal failure.

Pathology that is difficult

Being a physiologist, all pathology is difficult

Day one thoughts

It was a really valuable day to have the majority of Vet Schools represented and much was learnt.

What (three things) I learnt today

What I still need to learn

How I feel about what has happened today