India - College Of Veterinary Science, Ludhiana

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College of Veterinary Science, Ludhiana was established in November 1969 at main campus of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana. The College was shifted to the Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana in 2005


The College of Veterinary Science is a daughter institution of Veterinary School established in 1862 at Poona with one year course which was later upgraded as the first Veterinary College at Lahore in 1882. A part of the Lahore Veterinary College was shifted to Hisar in 1948 after partition. The College of Veterinary Science, Ludhiana was established in November 1969 on re-organization of the Punjab State and the formation of separate Haryana state at main campus of Punjab Agricoltural University. The College was shifted to the Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) Ludhiana in 2005. The College is a centre of regional, national and international excellence in research and learning in animal health and production. It caters to the needs of Punjab by carrying out teaching, research and extension education programmes pertaining to livestock production and health problems and has been instrumental in ushering in an era of ‘White Revolution’ in the State.

The college has highly competent and experienced facolty members who have made significant contributions in research on animal health and production and won various national and international awards. The college has implemented minimum Standards of Veterinary Education Degree Course (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) Regolations, 1993 of Veterinary Council of India and accordingly, external examination system has been introduced for B.V.Sc. & A.H. 5-year programme from the batch admitted in 1998 and onwards. The college is recognized by the Veterinary Council of India and has obtained accreditation from the Indian Council of Agricoltural Research in the year 2004.

Initially, the College was established with the following six departments:

   Anatomy & Histology
   Vety. Bacteriology, Hygiene and Parasitology
   Vety. Pathology
   Vety. Physiology
   Vety. Pharmacology & Medicine
   Vety. Surgery & Gynaecology

New departments were started in the coming years, raising the number to twelve:

   Vety.Anatomy & Histology (1969)
   Vety.Bacteriology & Virology (1969)
   Veterinary Clinics & Continuing Education (1988)
   Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics (1976)
   Veterinary Immunology (1988)
   Veterinary Medicine (1975)
   Veterinary Parasitology (1975)
   Veterinary Pathology (1969)
   Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology (1969)
   Veterinary Physiology (1969)
   Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology (1988)
   Veterinary Surgery & Radiology (1969)

On implementation of VCI regolation as notified in extraordinary Gazette of India Part II, Section (3), sub-section (1) notification No.57 dated 7.2.94 from Academic session 1994-95 and onwards the number of departments was raised to 18 as detailed below:

   Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
   Department of Animal Nutrition
   Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology & Obstetrics
   Department of Livestock Production and Management
   Department of Vety. Anatomy and Histology
   Department of Vety. and Animal Husbandry Extension
   Department of Vety. Biochemistry
   Department of Vety. Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence
   Department of Vety. Clinical Services Complex
   Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Vety. Medicine
   Department of Vety. Microbiology
   Department of Vety. Parasitology
   Department of Vety. Pathology
   Department of Vety. Pharmacology and Toxicology
   Department of Vety. Physiology
   Department of Vety. Public Health
   Department of Vety. Surgery and Radiology
   Department of Livestock Product Technology

From academic session 2009-10 the university has implemented Veterinary Council of India- Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education for B.V.Sc. & A.H. Regolations, 2008 and the following departments were reorganized/ established:

   Veterinary Anatomy
   Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry
   Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
   Veterinary Parasitology
   Veterinary Microbiology
   Veterinary Pathology
   Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
   Animal Nutrition
   Animal Genetics and Breeding
   Livestock Production Management
   Livestock Products Technology
   Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics
   Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
   Veterinary Medicine
   Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education
   Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex
   Instructional Livestock Farm Complex

All these departments have excellent laboratory facilities and adequate infrastructure for the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research, a well equipped veterinary teaching hospital to cater the demands of large and small animal health care. In addition, the college also has an elite dairy herd and pooltry farm which provide adequate facilities for teaching and research. This is the only veterinary college in India having two ICAR Centres of Advanced Studies in the Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology and Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics. The Department of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex and Department of Livestock Production Management has experiential learning projects.


College of Veterinary Science offers the following programmes of study:

   B.V.Sc. & A.H. (5-year programme)

The programme leading to the award of the B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree is designed to equip graduates with the knowledge and skills essential to a veterinary career. The programme is divided into three phases. The pre-clinical phase, undertaken in years one and two, provides education in basic sciences such as anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, as well as in animal husbandry through intramural learning. The para-clinical phase, undertaken in years three and four, includes bridging subjects between the pre-clinical and clinical phases, such as Pathology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pharmacology and basic clinical science. The clinical phase (Surgery, Medicine and Gynaecology) starts in year four and colminates in the fifth and final year. At the end of course work the students undergo a compolsory rotating internship programme of six calendar months envisaging on the job training in animal production, technology, diagnostic laboratories and hospital practice. The various departments of the College, aided by teaching veterinary hospital ensure both currency and relevance in basic and applied biological sciences through clinical practice.

Recent graduates have shown considerable satisfaction with the programme of study, as it prepared them for professional life and have developed confidence in their skills for clinical investigation and lifelong learning, in the context of general practice.

The successful completion of B.V.Sc.& A.H. programme entitles the graduates for registration with the Punjab State Veterinary Council / Veterinary Council of India as registered veterinary practitioners.



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November 1969

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