Is Stomoxys calcitrans a visiting or resident biting fly?
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What are the main recognisable features of Stomoxys calcitrans?
- Forward pointing proboscis
- Grey colouring
- Grey stripes on thorax and black spots on abdomen
- Clear wings
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How do Stomoxys calcitrans cause production losses?
- Decrease milk production
- Decrease weight gain
- Cause fly worry
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Which retrovirus is Stomoxys calcitrans a vector for?
- Equine infectious anaemia
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What is Haematoba irritans more commonly known as?
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Why is Haematoba irritans easier to control than visiting biting flies?
- Is a resident fly
- Spends more time in contact with the host
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What are the three most important species of Tabanidae?
- Tabanus
- Chrysops
- Haematopota
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How could you identify Tabanidae species solely on looking at their wing venation?
- Closed discal cell wing venation
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Why do Simuliidae species have a hump-backed appearance?
- Arched thorax produced a hump-backed appearance
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Why is the life cycle of Simuliidae species?
- Eggs laid on plants or stones under flowing water
- Larvae attach to submerged rocks and pupate
- Conical shaped cocoon
- Adults emerge en masse
- Life cycle takes one month to complete
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What are Glossinidae species more commonly known as and which trypanosomal disease do they transmit to humans?
- Tsetse flies
- Sleeping sickness
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Why are Ceratopogonidae species a problem to livestock
- Causes sweet-itch in horses
- Are vectors for blue tongue
- Vectors for parasites such as Onchocerca in cattle
- Cause skin infections in livestock
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What are Culicidae species better known as?
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True or False: Both male and female Culicidae suck blood?
- False
- Only female mosquitos suck blood
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What are Psychodidae the main vectors for?
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What are Hippobosca more commonly known as?
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What are Melophagus more commonly known as?
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What are the main recognisable features of Melophagus species?
- Hairy
- Reddish-brown colouring
- Forward pointing proboscis
- Narrown head
- Dorso-ventrally flattened
- Wingless
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Are Melophagus species resident or visiting flies?
- Resident
- Spend the entire life cycle on the host
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