Rat Physiology - WikiNormals

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Physiology Units Approximate Value
Adult Weight Grams 250 - 400
Birth Weight Grams 5 - 6
Blood Volume Milli-litres per Kg 57.5 - 69.9
Breeding Duration (Commercial) Litters 5 - 6
Food Consumption Grams per day 20 - 30
Gestation Length Days 21 - 23
Heart Rate^ Beats per min 250 - 400
Litter Size No units 8 - 14 pups
Oestrus Cycle Days 4 - 5
Postpartum Oestrus No units Fertile within 48 hours
Rectal Temperature Fahrenheit 99.5
Rectal Temperature Centigrade 37.5
Respiratory Rate Breaths per min 66 - 114
Urine Output Milli-litre per 100mg per day 5.5
Water Consumption Milli-litres per Kg per day 114
Weaning Age Days 21
^Kahn, Cynthia M., Line, Scott., Aiello, Susan E. (2005) The Merck Veterinary Manual. Ninth Edition ed. New Jersey, United States of America: Merck & Co., Inc. & Merial Limited. pp.Physiology Reference Guides.