
Revision as of 16:48, 23 April 2010 by Clamy (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Alethinophidia is one of the two infraorders of snakes and are the more advanced snakes. The families included in this taxa are Acrochordidae (file snakes), Aniliidae (coral pipe…')

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Alethinophidia is one of the two infraorders of snakes and are the more advanced snakes. The families included in this taxa are Acrochordidae (file snakes), Aniliidae (coral pipe snakes), Atractaspididae (mole vipers), Boidae (boas and pythons), Bolyeriidae (Round Island boas), Colubridae (advanced snakes), Elapidae (cobras, kraits and sea snakes), Loxocemidae (Mexican burrowing pythons), Uropeltidae (short-tail snakes), Viperidae (vipers) and Xenopeltidae (sunbeam snake).