- Common, although not major pathogens; little economic importance.
- Indirect life-cycle involving mollusc intermediate hosts
- L1 passed in faeces, penetrate foot of mollusc, develop to L3 in 2-3 weeks
- Infected mollusc ingested with grass
- L3 released by digestion and travel to lungs by lymphatic route
- Adults found in alveoli/parenchyma (Muellerius) or small bronchioles (Protostrongylus)
- Prepatent period 6-10 weeks (Muellerius), 5-6 weeks (Protostrongylus)
- High prevalence because of wide range of intermediate hosts, prolonged survival of larvae in faeces, long periods of patency (>2 years) and poor host immunity
- Muellerius capillaris common parasite of sheep and goats in respiratory infections