Balantidium trophozoite from a pig - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Protozoa multiply sexually, asexually and can also use a combination of both, as seen in the coccidia class. Replication can be by binary or multiple fission. Different protozoa use different forms of motility, including flagella, cilia, pseudopodia and gliding.

  • Most protozoal reproduction is asexual via binary fission, schizogony and sporogony
  • Some protozoa also use sexual reproduction called gametogony
  • In some species, sexual and asexual reproduction occurs in the same host, whilst in others asexual reproduction occurs in the vertebrate host and sexual reproduction in the arthropod vector
  • Homoxenous
    • Parasite uses a single host species during its life cycle (direct)
    • E.g. Eimeria
  • Heteroxenous
    • Parasite uses more than one host during its life cycle (indirect)
    • E.g. Trypanosomes
  • Facultatively heteroxenous
    • Parasite may use more than one host during its life cycle but this is not essential
    • E.g. Toxoplasma gondii

Example of a Protozoal Life Cycle

See Coccidia