
Tyzzer's disease is an acute, highly fatal bacterial infection that is seen in a wide range of animals. It most commonly affects foals and laboratory animals as well as dogs, cats and calves. Foals are usually affected individually in sporadic cases whereas outbreaks of disease occur in rodents and rabbits. The bacteria that causes the disease is Clostridium piliforme, a gram negative spore-forming intracellular bacterium.

The aetiology of the disease is poorly understood. Infection most likely results from oral exposure; possible mechanisms include ingestion of spore-forming faeces or contact with carrier animals. The disease most commonly affects young stressed animals.

Clinical signs

The disease in rabbits and rodents is usually characterised by an unkempt coat, depression and fatal diarrhoea. The disease in foals is an acute septicaemia hepatitis and foals between one and six weeks of age are affected. Clinical signs include depression, loss of suckle reflex, severe icterus, neurological signs, pyrexia and diarrhoea. Foals may be found dead with no preceding clinical signs.


Definitive diagnosis relies on observation of intracellular bacteria at the periphery of liver lesions or bacterial culture. Giemsa stain is used to visualise the bacteria.


Grossly, hepatomegaly is present with multifocal white-grey areas of necrosis. The hepatic lymph nodes are often hyperplastic. On cut section the liver displays loss of normal architecture.


High dose sodium penicillin and trimethoprim sulpadiazine have been used successfully to treat foals with Tyzzer's disease. Other supportive treatment may include aggressive fluid therapy with dextrose, parenteral nutrition and control of seizure activity using alpha-2 receptor agonists.


The prognosis for foals with Tyzzer's disease is poor with a mortality rate approaching 100%.


No vaccines are available for prevention of Tyzzer's disease. Good hygiene is therefore essential for decreasing the risk of clinical disease. Stress factors such as transport and overcrowding have been linked to Tyzzer's disease, therefore these should be minimised.

  • initial intestinal lesions can be hard to find at post mortem examination

See Tyzzer's Disease - Rabbit