Exudation of fluid

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Functions of Exudate

  1. Dilutes the toxic agent, reducing its effect upon the tissue cells.
  2. The protein components may contain antibodies which attack or coat (opsonise) the irritant.
    • This makes the irritant more digestible to neutrophils and macrophages.
  3. Exudates may contain fibrin.
    • This is very sticky - immobilises the irritant.
    • Provides a framework over which the leukocytes crawl to reach the irritant.
    • Fibrin is also chemotactic to neutrophils, bringing more of these cells into the injured area.
  4. Exudate on a suface will wash away the irritant.
    • E.g the skin and alimentary track.
  5. Brings the irritant to the lymph nodes, via the lymphatics, for further processing or antigen presentation.
    • Preferably within white blood cells such as macrophages and neutrophils.
    • Local lymph nodes may also be inflamed following inflammation of a tissue which drains into them.

Sequelae to Exudation

  • Catarrhal and serous exudationresolve when the irritant is overcome.
    • Alternatively, they may progress to a more serious reaction.
  • Fibrinous exudates may also resolve if the fibrin is digested by macrophages.
    • In the pleural and peritoneal cavities, the fibrin may become rganised into fibrous tissue, producing adhesions between the visceral surface.
  • Diphtheritic inflammation will only repair by scar formation.
  • If haemorrhagic lesions are widespread, they most commonly associated with acute deaths.
    • For example in acute viral, bacterial or toxic diseases.
  • If the exudation is strictly localised, for example in brusing, then repair may occur.
  • The resolution of abscesses depends upon their location.
    • If the abscess is near to a surface it will rupture onto it.
    • This is beneficial in the skin where it discharges to the exterior, hopefully getting rid of the pyogenic organism.
    • If the abscess is in deeper tissues, there is extensive fibrous capsule formation.
      • The fluid becomes inspissated due to withdrawal of water content.
      • Macrophages digest the necrotic remains.
      • Fibrous tissue organises the interior.
      • The very end result is a fibrous scar.