Gastric Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Horse

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common tumor of the equine stomach.[1]. It can affect the cardia and upper squamous regions of the stomach, resulting in a persistent mild colic, commonly seen soon after feeding. The tumor can invade and metastasize to lymph nodes, the lungs and regions palpable on rectal examination.[1] The main clinical signs include weight loss and general ill health.(Merck) Hypertrophic osteopathy associated with this neoplastic disease has been reported in one horse.[2] Diagnosis is made by exclusion of other causes of weight loss and gastroscopy. In most cases, surgical resection is not possible[3] and the prognosis is grave.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Olsen, S.N (1992) Squamous-cell carcinoma of the equine stomach: a report of 5 cases. Vet Rec, 131:170-173. In: Zimmel, D.N (2010) Neoplasia of the Alimentary Tract in Reed, S.M, Bayly, W.M. and Sellon, D.C (2010) Equine Internal Medicine (Third Edition), Saunders, Chapter 15.
  2. Schleining, J.A, Voss, E.D (2004) Hypertophic osteopathy secondary to gastric squamous cell carcinoma in a horse. Equine Vet Educ, 16:304-307. In: Zimmel, D.N (2010) Neoplasia of the Alimentary Tract in Reed, S.M, Bayly, W.M. and Sellon, D.C (2010) Equine Internal Medicine (Third Edition), Saunders, Chapter 15.
  3. East, L.M, Savage, C.J (1998) Abdominal neoplasia (excluding urogenital tract). Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract, 14:475-493. In: Zimmel, D.N (2010) Neoplasia of the Alimentary Tract in Reed, S.M, Bayly, W.M. and Sellon, D.C (2010) Equine Internal Medicine (Third Edition), Saunders, Chapter 15.