See also: Transfusion Medicine - Introduction
Blood Collection for Transfusion
Blood Groups - Cat

The most widely used blood grouping system is the Dog Erythrocyte Antigen system (DEA)and within this system eight blood groups exist. DEA 1 (DEA 1.1 DEA 1.2), DEA2 - DEA 7. Often Rottweilers, Labradors and Golden retrivers have DEA 1.1 or DEA 1.2 blood types and Greyhounds and German Shepherd Dogs are frequently DEA 1.1 and DEA 1.2 negative. For this reason greyhounds are commonly used as donors.


Unlike cats dogs do not have natural alloantibodies against other blood groups unless a transfusion has been performed. There is no major risk for the first transfusion and consequently unlike the cat compatibility tests are not required. Following the first transfusion of blood, alloantibodies form within 5-7 days. If a second tranfusion is required 5 days later than the original transfusion compatibility tests are required.

DEA 1.1 and DEA 1.2 are the most antigenic and hence ideally a donor would be DEA 1.1 and DEA 1.2 negative.