Dental Formula - Ruminants

Cow, Sheep and Goat

Dental Formula

2 (I0/3 C0/1 P3/3) Deciduous

2 (I0/3 C0/1 P3/3 M3/3) Permanent

  • Deciduous teeth complete and functional within 2 weeks of birth (3 weeks in sheep and goats)
  • Permanent teeth complete and funtional within 42 weeks of birth (48 weeks in sheep and goats)

The Dental Pad

  • In the position of the upper teeth
  • Soft cartilage
  • Acts with lower incisors when grazing
  • Dense, richly vascular tissue beneath palatine epithelium attches tightly so it can not be moved during mastication


  • Only present on lower jaw
  • Wide, asymmetrical crowns


  • Only present on lower jaw
  • Take on form and function of incisors - 'Incisiform canines'

Molars and Premolars

  • Upper teeth more widely separated
  • Premolars have one cusp
  • Molars have two cusps