Dental Formula - Ruminants

Cow, sheep and goat overview

The deciduous teeth are complete and functional within 2 weeks of birth (3 weeks in sheep and goats). The permanent teeth are complete and funtional within 42 weeks of birth (48 weeks in sheep and goats).

The formula for deciduous teeth is: 2 (I0/3 C0/1 P3/3)

The formula for permanent teeth is: 2 (I0/3 C0/1 P3/3 M3/3)

The Dental Pad

The dental pad is in the position of the upper teeth. It is soft cartilage and acts with the lower incisors when grazing.

Dense, richly vascular tissue beneath the palatine epithelium attches tightly so it can not be moved during mastication.


Incisors are only present on the lower jaw. They have wide, asymmetrical crowns.


Canines are only present on the lower jaw. They take on the form and function of incisors - 'Incisiform canines'

Molars and Premolars

The upper teeth are more widely separated. Premolars have one cusp, molars have two cusps.