"Shakespeare", a 16 year old domestic short hair cat is brought to the practice for examination.

The owner is concerned that Shakespeare has lost weight over the past few weeks. Shakespeare has always been a fussy eater, but recently the owner has noticed that he is asking for food constantly. He has also started to raid the kitchen bin.

The owner is not sure how much Shakespeare drinks, as he usually drinks from the fish pond in the garden.

On clinical examination, the vet finds the following:

  • Shakespeare is thin
  • There is a moderate amount of tartar on the upper molars and canines
  • The heart rate is 244, with a grade 2/6 murmur
  • Shakespeare's temperature is 38.4°C

Question Answer Article
Is Shakespeare's temperature normal? Link to Article
What is the normal heart rate for a cat? Is Shakespeare's heart rate high? Link to Article
What does 'grade 2/6 heart murmur' mean? Link to Article
What else might you find on clinical exam that will help you with your diagnosis? Link to Article
What would you do now? Link to Article
What is your diagnosis? Link to Article
What are ALP and ALT short for? Where in the body do these enzymes come from? [[|Link to Article]]
What else might cause an increase in ALP in a cat, in the absence of jaundice? [[|Link to Article]]
How would you treat this case? Link to Article

The question was provided by C. Antonczyk.