Louise Ash

Louise Ash

Contact details

About me

I am a student at the Royal Veterinary College London. I enjoy rugby and looking after my dogs. I aspire to be an exotic specialist.I love shows like House and supernatureal.......

What I hope to get out of this project

To add some of the finishing touches to the already fantastic pages and make a start on day one skills. Hopefully this will be great revision for me and a great learning tool for the future.

My best learning experience in the past

Has to be my work experience - you can read as much as you like but you will never be a good vet till you put it into practice. I have used my work experience to travel all over the place and the things I have learned I will never forget

Curriculum area that interests me

Topics that are difficult

Day one thoughts

What (three things) I learnt today

What I still need to learn

How I feel about what has happened today

Three weeks into the wikivet project (or thereabouts)

Sections I've been working on

What I feel I've gained so far from being involved in the project

Problems or issues that I've had or can forsee

My suggestions for improving the way the project works for the future

What involvement (if any!) I would like to have with the project in the future