
  • Anderson,S. et al 1980: Statistical methods for comparative studies. Wiley, New York. (readable section on survival analysis).
  • Collett,D. 1994: Modelling survival data in medical research. Chapman and Hall, London, 347pp. (very good text book, readable)
  • Cox,D.R. and Oakes,D. 1984: Analysis of survival data. Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Kahn,H.E. and Sempos,C.T. 1989: Statistical methods in epidemiology. Oxford University Press, New York, 193-198. (readable section on survival analysis)
  • Kalbfleisch,J.D. and Prentice,R.L. 1980: The statistical analysis of failure time data. Wiley, New York.
  • Kleinbaum, D.G. 1994. Logistic regression: A self-learning text. Springer Verlag, New York. 282pp.
  • Kleinbaum,D.G. 1996: Survival analysis: A self-learning text. Springer Verlag, New York, 324pp.
  • Lawless,J.F. 1982: Statistical models and methods for lifetime data. Wiley, New York.
  • Lee,E.T. 1992: Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis. 2nd edition. Wiley, New York. 482pp. (comprehensive, no easy reading).
  • Marubini,E. and Valsecchi,M.G. 1995: Analysing survival data from clinical trials and observational studies. Wiley, Chichester. 414pp. (comprehensive, readable)
  • McCullagh,P. and Nelder,J.A. 1989: Generalized linear models. 2nd edition. Chapman and Hall, London. 511pp. (survival analysis from the GLM perspective)
  • Selvin,S. 1996: Statistical analysis of epidemiological data. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, New York. 467pp. (good survival analysis chapters)

Review publications

  • Anderson, P.K. 1991: Survival analysis 1982-1991: The second decade of the proportional hazards regression model. Statistics in Medicine 10, 1931-1941.
  • Cox, D.R. 1972: Regression models and life-tables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 34, 187-220. (the original publication !!!)
  • Crowley,J. and Breslow, N. 1984: Statistical analysis of survival data. Ann. Rev. Public Health 5, 385-411.
  • Gail,M.H. 1991: A bibliography and comments on the use of statistical models in epidemiology in the 1980's. Statistics in Medicine 10, 1819-1885. (excellent up-to-date review with extensive bibliography covering proportional hazards, logistic regression and related study designs - 851 references including index system)
  • Singer,J.D. and Willett,J.B. 1991: Modeling the days of our lives: using survival analysis when designing and analyzing longitudinal studies of duration and the timing of events. Psychological Bulletin 110 (2), 268-290. (very readable review of survival analysis)