Small Animal Dermatology Q&A 16

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Small Animal Dermatology Q&A 16.jpg

A 2-year-old blue doberman pinscher dog was referred for the problem of an ‘endocrine alopecia’ of unknown etiology. Previous diagnostic tests were normal or negative and included: skin scrapings, dermatophyte culture, complete blood count, urinalysis, serum chemistry panel, thyroid hormone evaluation, low-dose dexamethasone suppression test, and surgical neutering. Dermatological examination reveals a thin hair coat, nodular-like hair follicles, comedones, bacterial pyoderma, and scaling. All of the other littermates are similarly affected.

Question Answer Article
What is the most likely diagnosis, and what is the cause? Link to Article
How is this disorder treated? Link to Article
What are the most common histological findings? Link to Article

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