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[[Image:Equine Orthopaedics and Rheumatology Q&A 11.jpg|centre|500px]]<br>

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'''An 11-year-old eventer injured the dorsal aspect of its right hock on a wire fence.'''

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<FlashCard questions="3">
|q1=What important structures do you think have been damaged?
|a1=The long digital extensor tendon has been completely severed. The periosteum has been stripped off the dorsal surface of the third metatarsus.
|q2=What clinical signs are likely to be present?
Lameness, together with loss of extensor function in the distal limb revealed by the horse being unable to extend the fetlock.
|q3=Is treatment likely to be successful?
|a3=Most horses regain extensor function with conservative management. Even injuries as severe as this will recover eventually with careful, assiduous nursing. <br><br>
Sequestration of superficial dorsal metatarsal bony cortex may occur at 2–3 weeks post injury.


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