595 bytes added ,  12:04, 10 June 2011
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[[File:WikiVet Africa.jpg|right|100px]]
'''May 2011 - WikiVet representatives visit Nairobi Vet school and attend e-Learning conference in Africa'''
[[Nick Short]] and Raymond Macharia ran a workshop at the University of Nairobi veterinary school on the use of WikiVet. Over 60 vets and students attended the 3 day event and it was clear that there was a real hunger for access to more quality online veterinary resources.  Following this, they attended an [http://www.elearning-africa.com/ eLearning Conference] about the use of ICT in Africa.  [[WikiVet team in Africa - News|Read more...]]
[[File:Nick and Prisca Vet2011.JPG|right|100px]]
[[File:Nick and Prisca Vet2011.JPG|right|100px]]
'''13th-15th May 2011 - WikiVet representatives attend the Vet2011 Veterinary Education conference'''
'''13th-15th May 2011 - WikiVet representatives attend the Vet2011 Veterinary Education conference'''
Donkey, Bureaucrats
