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Created page with "<FlashCard questions="7"> |q1= What organism causes Q fever? |a1= Coxiella burnetii |l1=Q fever |q2= In what cells does the intracellular organism reside within the host? |a2= Ma..."
<FlashCard questions="7">
|q1= What organism causes Q fever?
|a1= Coxiella burnetii
|l1=Q fever
|q2= In what cells does the intracellular organism reside within the host?
|a2= Macrophages
|l2= Q fever#Introduction
|q3= Which groups of people are most at risk of zoonotic Q fever and how do they acquire it?
*Farm workers
*Abattoir workers
*Acquired through inhalation, it is very rare for people to become infected from ticks.
|l3= Q fever#Signalment
|q4= Which country is the only one known to be free of Q fever?
|a4= New Zealand
|l4= Q fever#Distribution
|q5= Where does the organism localise in cattle?
|a5= Mammary glands.
|l5= Q fever#Signalment
|q6= What is the usual clinical presentation?
*Abortion in the third trimester of gestation – often in storms affecting up to 50% of a flock/herd
|l6= Q fever#Clinical Signs
|q7= What is commonly seen at necropsy in animals with Q fever?
|a7= Granulomas in the lungs, liver and bone marrow. May form “doughnut lesions” in acute cases.
|l7= Q fever#Diagnosis
[[Category: Sheep Flashcards]]
[[Category: Cattle Flashcards]]
[[Category:To Do – CABI review]]
