|q17=How is ''Chicken anaemia virus disease'' controlled?
|q17=How is ''Chicken anaemia virus disease'' controlled?
Vertical spread of the disease can be controlled by the vaccination of breeding hens with both live attenuated and wild vaccines that reduces the vertical transmission rate. Wild type vaccines are cheaper but can increase horizontal transmission rates and hidden reduction in production of older birds. At a farm level rigorous cleaning with hypochlorite, iodoform or formalin is recommended and biosecurity is important to try and erradicate on farm infections.
Vertical spread is controlled by the vaccination of breeding hens with both live attenuated and wild vaccines that reduces the vertical transmission rate.
|l17=Chicken Anaemia Virus Disease#Control
Wild type vaccines are cheaper but can increase horizontal transmission rates and hidden reduction in production of older birds.
At a farm level rigorous cleaning with hypochlorite, iodoform or formalin is recommended and biosecurity is important to try and erradicate on farm infections.