511 bytes added ,  14:53, 21 December 2011
Added OVAL and OVAM event
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'''9th December 2011 - OVAL dissemination and OVAM launch events'''
<br>The [[OVAL|Opening Access to Veterinary Literature]] (OVAL) project dissemination and the [[OVAM|Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum]] (OVAM) launch event took place at the [[UK - Royal Veterinary College, London|Royal Veterinary College]] on December 9th, 2011. More information can be found via the [[OVAM|OVAM page]], including recordings of the event via Adobe Connect. We are very excited about creating this veterinary museum!<br><br>
'''14th November 2011 - Launch of Courses on WikiVet'''
'''14th November 2011 - Launch of Courses on WikiVet'''
Donkey, Bureaucrats
