Created page with "{{Vetschool |Introduction=The [ Faculty of Agriculture] at the University of Novi Sad is one of two the oldest colleges in campus. At ..."
|Introduction=The [ Faculty of Agriculture] at the University of Novi Sad is one of two the oldest colleges in campus. At the same campus are six colleges more, and they are localized near the river Danube, around the center of the city.
|History=The Faculty of Agriculture was established in 1954. The Department of Veterinary medicine was opened in 2000. Since that time our department is organised as a unitary whole and it unifies educational and research work.
|Education=<b>ENROLMENT CONDITIONS</b>: Person with four year high school general education can enrol in first year of college education. Examination includes knowledge aquired from biology, chemistry and latin, studied in high school.
<b>STUDIES</b>: Integrated studies (Bachelor+Master) last for 5 years (10 semesters) during which you can collect 300 ECTS, in accordance with European demands. Integrated studies have a large number of mandatory and optional subjects which allow students to organise their own studies according to their interests. Every subject has its system of points and system of continuous observation of students work in accordance with Bologna Process.
Veterinary chamber of Serbia issues license for students who have majored in veterinary medicine in accordance with the law which provides them with the possibility to work on their own.
<b>POSTGRADUATE STUDIES</b>: Students can enrol in PhD studies under condition that their average grade is above 8.
Postgraduate studies were held regularly in the period between 2003-2007 and they were divided into two groups:
#Physiology and morphology of animals
#Clinical pathology and therapy of animals
<b>DOCTORAL STUDIES</b>: Today, In order to accept the system of education of Bologna Process in 2008 the Department of veterinary medicine organized doctoral studies. These studies last 3 years (6 semesters) and they also have mandatory and optional subjects which allow students` to choose according to their specialisations.
After completing these three years of studies and passing the final exam by defending their doctoral thesis students will get a title of PhD.
<b>SPECIALISATION</b>: Programme of studies for some specialisation is being prepared on the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad. They will last 3 semesters and they will have obligatory and optional subjects and personal cooperation with the mentor.
After completing these studies and defending their scientific work, the student gets a title of
<b>PRACTICAL TRAINING FOR STUDENTS</b>: Student's training is held in numerous farms and other facilities in areas of animal production as well as in public veterinary stations.
|Clinical=Department of veterinary medicine has a:
#Veterinary medicine section
#Veterinary medicine institute
#Parasitology, immunology and laboratory for parasitic diseases
#Laboratory for food hygene (milk and meat
#Pathology and preclinical diagnostics laboratory
<br>And the facilities in process of development:
#Laboratory for Clinical Hematology and Biochemistry
#University’s Veterinary Clinic

|School=Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Novi Sad
|Location=Novi Sad, Serbia
|Principal=Professor dr Milan Popović
|Contact=[[Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad | Address: Square Dositeja Obradovića 8, 21000, Novi Sad, Serbia]]
|Facebook page=
|Student Ambassador=[[User:KatarinaVet|Katarina Stanisljevic]]
[[File:Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad.jpg]]
[[File:Gala room.jpg]]