621 bytes added ,  13:16, 3 November 2014
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'''VetDoc Spain 2014'''
For the first time ever a Spanish language equivalent (VetDoc) of the well know VetEd Symposium was held over the weekend in Lugo, Galicia. It was a great success with more than 60 attendees and a member of the WikiVet team went along as well. Numerous interesting posters were presented with some great ideas and fantastic resources which are now being used in the veterinary syllabus in Spain. If you are interested in learning more about what went on and having a look at some of the innovative work more information can be found on the [http://www.usc.es/es/congresos/vetdoc14/ VetDoc site].
'''April 2012 - WikiVet goes mobile!'''
'''April 2012 - WikiVet goes mobile!'''