155 bytes added ,  19:38, 20 September 2018
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====Eastern Stream====
====Eastern Stream====
WikiVet LIVE! 2018  got off to a very strong start, with our Eastern Stream, co-ordinated and hosted by the '''[https://www.cve.edu.au Centre for Veterinary Education (CVE), from the University of Sydney]'''. Their diverse and engaging programme included '''[https://www.wikivetlive.com/new-age-spay-and-neutering 'Neutering in Dogs - commonly performed but not necessarily routine']''' from Arthur House, '''[https://www.wikivetlive.com/animal-disease-in-shelters 'Disease in animal shelters - where to send animals to get sick']''' by Mark Westmann and the novel and innovative talk '''[https://www.wikivetlive.com/crisis-management-in-anaesthesia 'Crisis management in anaesthesia - What can we learn from airline pilots?']''' from veterinary anaesthetist Colin Dunlop and Vet turned airline pilot, Nathan Kock, kindly sponsored by '''[http://www.provet.com.au Provet]''' .
WikiVet LIVE! 2018  got off to a very strong start, with our Eastern Stream, co-ordinated and hosted by the '''[https://www.cve.edu.au Centre for Veterinary Education (CVE), from the University of Sydney]'''. Their diverse and engaging programme included the '''[https://www.karlstorz.com/gb/en/index.htm Karl Storz]''' sponsored '''[https://www.wikivetlive.com/new-age-spay-and-neutering 'Neutering in Dogs - commonly performed but not necessarily routine']''' from Arthur House, '''[https://www.wikivetlive.com/animal-disease-in-shelters 'Disease in animal shelters - where to send animals to get sick']''' by Mark Westmann, sponsored by  '''[https://www.cve.edu.au CVE]''' and the novel and innovative talk '''[https://www.wikivetlive.com/crisis-management-in-anaesthesia 'Crisis management in anaesthesia - What can we learn from airline pilots?']''' from veterinary anaesthetist Colin Dunlop and Vet turned airline pilot, Nathan Koch, kindly sponsored by '''[http://www.provet.com.au Provet]''' .
====Central Stream====
====Central Stream====
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We had 5 Bronze Sponsors, who sponsored individual sessions, who we would also like to thank.  
We had 5 Bronze Sponsors, who sponsored individual sessions, who we would also like to thank.  
[https://www.cve.edu.au Centre for Veterinary Education - University of Sydney]
'''[https://www.cve.edu.au Centre for Veterinary Education - University of Sydney]'''
[http://www.provet.com.au Provet]
'''[http://www.provet.com.au Provet]'''
[http://www.tcvm.com Chi Institute]
'''[http://www.tcvm.com Chi Institute]'''
[https://www.karlstorz.com/gb/en/index.htm Karl Storz]
'''[https://www.karlstorz.com/gb/en/index.htm Karl Storz]'''
[https://www.sonosite.com/uk Fujifilm Sonosite]
'''[https://www.sonosite.com/uk Fujifilm Sonosite]'''