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<big><center>[[Reproductive System|'''BACK TO REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM''']]</center></big>

<big><center>[[Reproductive_System#Small_Domestic_Mammals|'''BACK TO SMALL DOMESTIC MAMMALS''']]</center></big>

* [[Ferret-Male- Anatomy & Physiology|Male]]
* [[Ferret-Female- Anatomy & Physiology|Female]]

== Male==

* Male is known as the Hob.
* J-shapes os penis lies within the caudal section of the penis dorsal to the penile urethra.
** Supporting bone is the Baculum.
* Penis points cranially.
* Opening of the prepuce is on the ventral abdomen.
* Two testes carried externally in the scrotum.
* Sexual maturity is usually reached during the first spring after birth at about 4-8 months of age.
* Once testes have descended, the inguinal canal closes and they are not able to be retracted.
* Spermatogenic activity increases within the semniferous tubules of the testes from December-July.
** Testes become noticeably enlarged in preparation for the breeding season (March-August).


== Female ==

* Known as the Jill.
* [[Female_Reproductive_Tract_-The_Uterus_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology#Anatomical_Types_of_Uteri|Bicornuate uterus]]
** Long uterine horns and no uterine body.
* Average litter 8-10 kits, but can be as large as 18.
* Vulva lies on the perineum, ventral to the [[Anus_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology|anus]].
** During the non-breeding season, it is small and slit-like.
** During oestrus it becomes swollen and resembles a small doughnut.
* Seasonally polyoestrus
* Induced ovulator
** If mated, [[The_Ovary_-_Ovulation_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology|ovulation]] occurs within 30-40 hours of coitus.
* [[Reproductive_System#Gestation|Gestation]] period is 42 days.
