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==An Introduction to General Pathology==
#REDIRECT[[:Category:General Pathology]]
* The term '''pathology''' is derived from:
** '''Pathos''', or suffering
** '''Logos''', or reasoning/logic.
* Pathology is defined as the study of disease including:
** '''Aetiology''' - causal factor(s)
** '''Pathogenesis''' - the development of the disease within the body.
** '''Lesions''' - the observable structural changes in the tissues and fluids of the body.
** '''Pathophysiology''' - the functional changes in diseased tissues.
** '''Sequel''' - the consequences of the disease in the body.
** '''Remote effects''' - the effect of disease in one tissue on other tissues in the body.
* Lesions are the abnormalities or changes seen in living tissues due to disease.
* Observed in
** The live animal
** Tissues surgically removed from the live animal
*** Biopsy/ excision
** Animals soon after death
*** Necropsy, post-mortem examination.
====Decription of Lesions====
* Descriptions of lesions is very important
* Whole organs, tissues or individual lesions are described under headings such as
*# Size
*# Shape
*# Colour
*# Weight
*#* Generally in relation to body weight
*# Texture and Consistency
*# Appearance of the cut surface
*# Contents of hollow organs
*# Position, relationships and effects on adjacent tissues
====Definition and Type====
====Factors Involved in the Development of Disease====
====Types of Agents Causing Disease====
====Aspects of Disease====
====Post Mortem Examination====
====Techniques Involved in Pathological Examination====
==Degenerations and Infiltrations==
===Cellular Swelling===
===Hydropic Degeneration===
===Cellular Faty Change===
===Mucoid Degeneration===
===Hyaline Degeneration===
====Fibrinoid Degeneration====
===Glycogen Infiltration===
===Cellular Inclusions===
===Causes of Necrosis===
===Gross and Histological Features of Necrotic Lesions===
====Coagulation Necrosis====
====Liquefactive Necrosis====
====Caseation Necrosis====
===Sequel to Necrosis===
====Fat Necrosis====
==Post Mortem Change==
===Types of Post Mortem Change===
====Rigor Mortis====
====Post Mortem Clotting of Blood====
====Hypostatic Congestion====
====Post Mortem Imbibition of Blood====
====Inbibition of Bile Pigment====
====Gaseous Distenstion of the Alimentary Tract====
==Pigmentation and Calcification==
===Exogenous Pigmentation===
====Carbon (Anthracosis)====
===Endogenous Pigmentation===
====Blood Pigments====
=====Metastatic (Hypercalcaemia)=====
==Circulatory Disorders==
====Venous Congestion and Hyperaemia====
=====Post Mortem Clots=====
====Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation====
===Cardinal Signs===
====Sequence of Events====
=====Functions of Exudate=====
=====Sequel to Exudation=====
=====Mast Cells=====
=====Granulomatous Inflammation=====
=====Granulation Tissue=====
=====Lymphocytic Inflammation=====
===Changes in Inflammatory Cells Circulating in Blood===
====Plasma Cells====
===Role of The Lymph Node in Inflammation===
===Healing and Repair===
====In Particular Tissues====
======First Intention======
======Second Intention======
=====Respiratory Tract=====
=====Alimentary Tract=====
=====Urinary Tract=====
=====Genital Tract=====
=====Central Nervous System=====
==Growth Disorders==
=====Bulldog Calf=====
=====Cleft Palate=====
=====Cystic Kidney=====
=====Spina Bifida=====
=====Cerebellar Hypoplasia=====
=====Skeletal Malformations=====
=====Skin Defects=====
=====Muscular Defects=====
=====Cardiac Defects=====
=====Sexual Organ Malformation=====
=====Metabolic Diseases=====
===Growth Disorders During Life===
=====Benign Tumours=====
=====Malignant Tumours=====
=====Aetiology of Tumours=====
=====Phases of Tumour Growth=====
=====Tumour Classification and Nomenclature=====
Author, Donkey, Bureaucrats, Administrators
