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Identification of blood cells can be a problem due to lack of comprehensive reference material for reptile haematology, lack of standardised nomenclature for leucocytes, species variation, inappropriate anticoagulants, improper sampling technique and lymph dilution. Automated counting techniques may not be suitable for reptile blood samples because of the nucleated red blood cells. Reptile leucocytes are fragile and the proper technique in preparation of blood smears is important to obtain valid differentials.  
Identification of blood cells can be a problem due to lack of comprehensive reference material for reptile haematology, lack of standardised nomenclature for leucocytes, species variation, inappropriate anticoagulants, improper sampling technique and lymph dilution. Automated counting techniques may not be suitable for reptile blood samples because of the nucleated red blood cells. Reptile leucocytes are fragile and the proper technique in preparation of blood smears is important to obtain valid differentials.  
Blood cells include erythrocytes which are nucleated, leucocytes (heterophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and azurophils) and thrombocytes:
Blood cells include erythrocytes which are nucleated, [[Leucocytes|leucocytes]] ([[Heterophils|heterophils]], [[Eosinophils|eosinophils]], [[Basophils|basophils]], [[Lymphocytes|lymphocytes]], [[Monocytes|monocytes]] and [[Azurophils|azurophils]]) and [[Thrombocytes|thrombocytes]]:
Thrombocytes are ellipsoidal to fusiform shaped with an elliptical, centrally positioned nucleus. They behave similarly to mammalian platelets and are involved in thrombus formation, blood clotting and wound healing.
[[Thrombocytes|Thrombocytes]] are ellipsoidal to fusiform shaped with an elliptical, centrally positioned nucleus. They behave similarly to mammalian platelets and are involved in thrombus formation, blood clotting and wound healing.
Monocytes are generally the largest leucocyte and have a nucleus that is ovoid and indented (often bean shaped). The cytoplasm usually stain blue-gray and often is vacuolated. The monocytes range is generally between 0 and 10% of the differential and may increase in chronic infections.
[[Monocytes|Monocytes]] are generally the largest leucocyte and have a nucleus that is ovoid and indented (often bean shaped). The cytoplasm usually stain blue-gray and often is vacuolated. The monocytes range is generally between 0 and 10% of the differential and may increase in chronic infections.
Heterophils are large cells with a round to lobed nucleus and fusiform acidophilic cytoplasmic granules. The size varies between species and often varies in individual blood smears. The primary function of heterophils may be phagocytosis. In some species heterophils are the most common leucocyte.
[[Heterophils|Heterophils]] are large cells with a round to lobed nucleus and fusiform acidophilic cytoplasmic granules. The size varies between species and often varies in individual blood smears. The primary function of [[Heterophils|heterophils]] may be phagocytosis. In some species [[Heterophils|heterophils]] are the most common [[Leucocytes|leucocytes]].
Eosinophils are large granulocytes with spherical, acidophilic, cytoplasmic granules that stain blue with Romanowsky's stains in iguanas. The number of eosinophils in the leucocyte differential is variable.
[[Eosinophils|Eosinophils]] are large granulocytes with spherical, acidophilic, cytoplasmic granules that stain blue with Romanowsky's stains in iguanas. The number of [[Eosinophils|eosinophils]] in the leucocyte differential is variable.
Basophils are small spherical granulocytes with deep-staining basophilic granules. The nonlobed nucleus is slightly eccentric. The number of basophils in a differential leucocyte count is variable and species dependent.
[[Basophils|Basophils]] are small spherical granulocytes with deep-staining basophilic granules. The nonlobed nucleus is slightly eccentric. The number of [[Basophils|basophils]] in a differential leucocyte count is variable and species dependent.
Lymphocytes are mononuclear cells with scant pale blue cytoplasm. In some species lymphocytes are the most common leucocyte and may represent over 80% of the differential in some reptiles. In reptiles there may be more diversity than just T and B cells.
[[Lymphocytes|Lymphocytes]] are mononuclear cells with scant pale blue cytoplasm. In some species [[Lymphocytes|lymphocytes]] are the most common [[Leucocytes|leucocyte]] and may represent over 80% of the differential in some reptiles. In reptiles there may be more diversity than just T and B cells.
Azurophils are leucocytes with an azurophilic appearance. There is debate over their nature. They increase in numbers following antigenic challenge and with infectious diseases.
[[Azurophils|Azurophils]] are [[Leucocytes|leucocytes]] with an azurophilic appearance. There is debate over their nature. They increase in numbers following antigenic challenge and with infectious diseases.
