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#REDIRECT[[:Category:Lice - Cattle]]
[[Lice]] exist naturally on cattle, and in small numbers are of little pathological importance.  Moderate infections may be associated with dermatitis, and heavy infections may be more serious.  Heavy louse infestation is referred to as [[Pediculosis]].  Transfer of lice from animal to animal is usually via direct physical contact.
==Bovicola bovis==
''Bovicola bovis'', more commonly known as '''Red Louse''' or '''cattle chewing louse''' is a chewing louse found commonly on the hair of the head, neck, back and the rump.  In heavy infections, the infestation will spread to the rest of the body.
===Scientific Classification===
{| cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1" 
| Class
| Insecta
| Order
| Phthiraptera
| Suborder
| Ischnocera
| Family
| Trichodectidae
The adults are a dark red colour with distinct transverse bands surrounding the abdomen.  A fully mature adult will measure around 2mm in length.  They have adapted mouthparts designed for chewing, as the lice feed on the outer layer of the hair shafts. They have long, thin legs with claws on the tips adapted for moving along the hair of the host.
===Life Cycle===
The female lays eggs on the host, which can be clearly seen as white eggs on the hairs of the host. These eggs hatch after 7-10 days. After 3 further nymphal stages, the nymph moults again to become an adult.  The complete cycle from egg, to a fully mature adult takes around 2-3 weeks.
The adults may live for up to 10 weeks, and each female is capable of laying one egg every 2 days on average.
==Haematopinus eurysternus==
===Scientific Classification===
{| cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1" 
| Class
| Insecta
| Order
| Phthiraptera
| Suborder
| Anoplura
| Family
| Haematopinidae
''Haematopinus eurysternus'' is one of the largest louse currently seen on domestic mammals. 
The abdomen is dark blue and the head and thorax is a greyish yellow.  The eggs have a very thick outer shell, and are white in colour.
===Life Cycle===
The females lay one egg per day for around 2 weeks, which is their approximate lifespan.  The eggs are sticky and glue themselves to the hairs of the host, in this case, cattle.  The eggs hatch in 1-2 weeks, transforming into nymphs.  Nymphs then transform into mature adults about 14 days later.  The female will then begin to lay eggs, and infect the host.
==Haematopinus quadripertusus==
===Scientific Classification===
{| cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1" 
| Class
| Insecta
| Order
| Phthiraptera
| Suborder
| Anoplura
| Family
| Haematopinidae
The adults are around 4-5mm in length.  They have a dark thoracic sternal plate, and all legs are of similar sizes.
===Life Cycle===
The lifespan of ''H. quadripertusus'' is around one month.  The female lays white eggs, that stick to the hair of the host, in this case, particularly the tail.  After between 9 and 25 days the eggs hatch into nymphs.  The nymphs then transform into adults, which are commonly found on the head and tail.
The whole cycle, on average, takes around 2-3 weeks.
==Linognathus vituli==
===Scientific Classification===
{| cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1" 
| Class
| Insecta
| Order
| Phthiraptera
| Suborder
| Anoplura
| Family
| Linognathidae
''L. vituli'' is a elongated dark blue louse around 2mm in length.  The forelegs are smaller than both the midlegs and the hindlegs. 
The eggs are dark, and often cannot be seen on the host by the naked eye alone.
===Life Cycle===
The female lays eggs on the host, and these hatch generally within 2 weeks into nymphs.  Like many other cattle louse, the nymph is similar in appearance to the adult, just slightly smaller.  The nymph then undergoes three further transformations before becoming a mature adult.
The adults are capable of living for around one month, and the lifecycle of ''L. vituli'' is between two and three weeks.
==Solenopotes capillatus==
===Scientific Classification===
{| cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1" 
| Class
| Insecta
| Order
| Phthiraptera
| Suborder
| Anoplura
| Family
| Linognathidae
Adults are small, blue mites, and tend to accumulate on the head, neck and tail.  They have distinctive abdominal spikes, which protrude from the abdomen.  They are around 1.5mm in length and have three pairs of legs.
The eggs are small, and are dark blue.
===Life Cycle===
The small eggs hatch after around 10 days, and then undergo three further transformations before becoming adults.  The complete transformation from egg to adult is around 5 weeks.
Author, Donkey, Bureaucrats, Administrators
