666 bytes added ,  15:57, 22 July 2010
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The final life cycle involves transmission of L3 larvae to pups through the milk. Hypobiotic L3 larvae are reactivated and are either already present in the mammary glands or travel to them and are capable of passing in the milk during the first 3 weeks of lactation. There is no further migration in the pup when the larvae are ingested in this way and the remaining life cycle of the worm is completed in the small intestine of the pup.
The final life cycle involves transmission of L3 larvae to pups through the milk. Hypobiotic L3 larvae are reactivated and are either already present in the mammary glands or travel to them and are capable of passing in the milk during the first 3 weeks of lactation. There is no further migration in the pup when the larvae are ingested in this way and the remaining life cycle of the worm is completed in the small intestine of the pup.
As well as the above life cycles ''T. canis'' can infect paratenic hosts such as mice, rats and some birds. In these animals the L3 larvae migrate to tissues hypobiose until the hosts tissues are consumed by a dog in which the worm can complete its life cycle.
As well as the above life cycles ''T. canis'' can infect paratenic hosts such as mice, rats and some birds. In these animals the L3 larvae migrate to tissues hypobiose until the hosts tissues are consumed by a dog in which the worm can complete its life cycle. The prepatent period of ''T. canis is 4 - 5 weeks.
Control of ''T. canis'' relies on effective clearing of the eggs form the environment as these can be infective in the environment for several years. This will prevent new infections of animals that have no been exposed previously as pups or as young dogs. However there are a number of endemic regions of the world where most animals have been exposed as pups and therefore can harbour hypobiotic larvae. These are difficult to eliminate and there are likely to be constantly be a small number of worms present, therefore regular treatment of dogs with anthelmintics is recommended.
