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Primary, or frothy bloat is relieved by drenching with an antifoaming agent containing silicone or poloxalene, such as Bloat Guard or Birip, or a vegetable oil mixed with detergent. Clinical signs should improve within one hour, if there is still no resolution after a second dose then alternative diagnoses should be considered.  
Primary, or frothy bloat is relieved by drenching with an antifoaming agent containing silicone or poloxalene, such as '''Bloat Guard''' or '''Birp''', or a '''vegetable oil''' mixed with '''detergent'''. Clinical signs should improve within one hour, if there is still no resolution after a second dose then alternative diagnoses should be considered.  
In peracute cases where the bloat is life treatening an emergency rumenotomy should be performed.  
In peracute cases where the bloat is life treatening an emergency '''rumenotomy''' should be performed.
Secondary bloat can be relieved by passage of a stomach tube in most cases. There will be instantaneous relief as the gas is released. In cases where the oesophagus is completely obstructed so that a stomach tube cannot be passed a 5mm diameter trochar and cannula should be passed into the rumen via the left paralumbar fossa.
Secondary bloat can be relieved by passage of a stomach tube in most cases. There will be instantaneous relief as the gas is released. In cases where the oesophagus is completely obstructed so that a stomach tube cannot be passed a 5mm diameter trochar and cannula should be passed into the rumen via the left paralumbar fossa.
If treatment is prompt prognosis is good, however the condition is rapidly fatal if left untreated.   
If treatment is prompt prognosis is good, however the condition is rapidly fatal if left untreated.   
