24 bytes added ,  12:11, 29 July 2010
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Megaoesophagus describes a dilated, hypomotile oesophagus that is not able to effectively transport food from the the pharnyx to the stomach.  The condition may be congenital or acquired and, although it occurs in most of the major domestic species, it is most common in dogs and cats.  The following sections describe the causes of megaoesophagus.
Megaoesophagus describes a dilated, hypomotile oesophagus that is not able to effectively transport food from the the pharnyx to the stomach.  The condition may be congenital or acquired and, although it occurs in most of the major domestic species, it is most common in dogs and cats.  The following sections describe the causes of megaoesophagus.
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Author, Donkey, Bureaucrats, Administrators
