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Also known as: '''''Clostridium perfringens'' type B Enterotoxaemia
Clastridiurre perfringens type A causes
enterotoxemia, or yellow lamb disease,
which occurs primarily in the western US
(McGowan et al., 1958). Depression, anemia,
icterus and hemoglobinuria, are followed
by death after a clinical course of
6-12 h, and large numbers of C. perfringen.
s are found in intestinal contents. A
similar condition occurs in goats (Russell,
1970), and type A probably also causes
tympany, sometimes accompanied by
hemorrhagic, necrotic abomasitis in calves.
Gram-positive bacilli are demonstrable on
the mucosa and in the submucosa and a
toxin is found in intestinal contents
(Roeder et al., 1988). Intravascular hemolysis,
capillary endothelial damage, platelet
aggregation, shock and cardiac effects in
natural infections are predictable systemic
actions of a hemolytic toxin (Stevens et
al., 1988; Timoney et a]., 1988). Chymotrypsin
resistance of a toxin from
enterotoxemia isolates may allow accumulation
in the gut and entry to circulation
(Ginter et al., 1995).
C. pgheernfrsi type B is frequently isolated
from cases of dysentery in newborn
lambs (table II) and hemorrhagic enteritis
in goats (Frank, 1956). Disease is more
common in the UK, South Africa and the
Middle East than in the US (Timoney et
al., 1988). In lambs, inappetence, abdominal
pain and bloody diarrhea are followed
by recumbency and coma. Lesions consist
primarily of hemorrhagic enteritis,
with evidence of enterotoxemia (Frank,
1956). Chronic disease in older lambs
(’pine’) is characterized by chronic
abdominal pain without diarrhea. Pathogenesis
of type B infections may be due to
additive or synergistic effects of a, p and
c toxins.
Neonates of most species are highly
susceptible to infection by C. perfringen.s
type C (MacKinnon, 1989) (table ll), and
colonization in advance of normal intestinal
flora or alteration of flora by dietary
changes are significant factors in pathogenesis
(Timoney et al., 1988). In lambs,
type C infection resembles lamb dysentery,
and may be accompanied by nervous
signs, including tetany and opisthotonus.
Peracute death, occasionally without other
clinical signs, is not uncommon, but the
clinical course may also extend to several
days. Young ewes and other adult sheep
can also develop type C enterotoxemia, a
condition known as ’struck’, in which the
clinical disease occurs so rapidly that it
often suggests that the animal has been
struck by lightning. Mucosal damage, perhaps
caused by poor quality feed, facilitates
abomasal and small intestinal multiplication
of organisms, with resulting
mucosal necrosis. Fluid accumulation in
the peritoneum and thoracic cavity suggest
toxemia, and enteric lesions, dysentery
and diarrhea are often absent (Sterne
and Thomson, 1963). Similarities of cpb,
the (3 toxin gene, to the genes for staphylococcal
a and y toxins and leukocidin
(Hunter et al., 1993), strengthen suggestions
that (3 toxin may affect the CNS
(Jolivet-Reynaud et al., 1986; McDonel,
1986). However, hemorrhagic enterotoxemia
has not been reproduced in lambs by
inoculation with cell-free culture supernatant
fluid (Niilo, 1986).
Enterotoxemia (’overeating’) in sheep
of all ages except newborns is caused by
C. perfrivgetes type D (table II) (Timoney
et al., 1988). Lambs 3-10 weeks old, suckling
heavily lactating ewes, are commonly
affected, as are feedlot animals up to 100
months of age. Upsets in the gut flora, following
sudden changes to a rich diet, continuous
feeding of concentrates (Popoff,
1984), and the presence of excess dietary
starch in the small intestine are often
involved. e toxin facilitates its own absorption
(Niilo, 1993), resulting in toxemia
with little or no enteritis. Some animals
display dullness, retraction of the head,
opisthotonus and convulsions (Niilo, 1993;
Popoff, 1984), but sudden death is common.
Degeneration and necrosis in the
CNS is typical (Buxton and Morgan,
1976), and focal encephalomalacia is a
chronic neurological manifestation of nonfatal
disease (Griner, 1961; Buxton and
Morgan, 1976). The extent of incoordination
and convulsions is directly related to
the severity of lesions (Griner, 1961). Peritoneal
and pericardial effusions are typical
in sheep, and glycosuria is pathognomonic
(Gardner, 1973; Niilo, 1993). The common
name ’pulpy kidney’ derives from
the post mortem autolysis of hyperemic,
toxin-damaged tissue.
Goats develop catarrhal, fibrinous, or
hemorrhagic enterocolitis. The condition
is often chronic, and pulpy kidney is
absent (von Rotz et al., 1984; Blackwell
and Butler, 1992).
C. perfringens type E is an apparently
uncommon cause of enterotoxemia of
lambs (table II), and recent isolates have
been obtained from calves with hemorrhagic
enteritis, in the western and midwestern
US (Meer and Songer, 1997).
However, type E remains of uncertain
overall importance in animal disease.
An increasing body of evidence suggests
a role for enterotoxigenic strains,
particularly of type A, in the etiology of
diarrheal conditions in several animal
species (Estrada-Correa and Taylor, 1989;
Niilo, 1993). In one study, CPE production
was observed in 12 % of isolates from cattle,
sheep and chickens with enteritis
(Niilo, 1978), and in another, genotyping
revealed that about 5 % of isolates are
enterotoxigenic, with most of these being
type A (Songer and Meer, 1996; Meer and
Songer, 1997).
CPE is weakly immunogenic when
administered via the intestinal tract. Disease
gives rise to serum antibodies in
sheep and other domestic species, but antibodies
produced following parenteral inoculation
are not protective (Niilo and Cho,
1985; Estrada-Correa and Taylor, 1989).
The best target for immunoprophylaxis
may be the toxin’s membrane binding
event (Hanna et al., 1989; Mietzner et al.,
Immunoprophylaxis is a control measure
of paramount importance, due to the
rapid and frequently fatal course of disease
caused by the various types of C. perfringens.
Lambs born to ewes vaccinated
against types B, C or D are protected
against dysentery (Smith and Matsuoka,
1959; Kennedy et al., 1977; Odendaal et
al., 1989), and may be immunized at 3
days of age (Kennedy et al., 1977). Enterocolitis,
but not toxemia, may occur in
vaccinated goats (Blackwell et al., 1991;
Blackwell and Butler, 1992).
Infection with Clostridium perfringens types B and C causes severe enteritis, dysentery, toxemia, and high mortality in young lambs, calves, pigs, and foals. Types B and C both produce the highly necrotizing and lethal β toxin that is responsible for severe intestinal damage. This toxin is sensitive to proteolytic enzymes, and disease is associated with inhibition of proteolysis in the intestine. Sow colostrum, which contains a trypsin inhibitor, has been suggested as a factor in the susceptibility of young piglets. Type C also causes enterotoxemia in adult cattle, sheep, and goats. The diseases are listed below, categorized as to cause and host. C  perfringens  also has been associated with hemorrhagic enteritis in dogs. (See also  intestinal diseases in horses, Intestinal Diseases in Horses and Foals: Introduction.)
Lamb dysentery: type B in lambs up to 3 wk of age
Lamb dysentery is a peracute and fatal enterotoxaemia of young lambs caused by the beta and epsilon toxins of ''Clostridium perfringens'' type B. ''C. perfringens'' is a large, gram positive, anaerobic bacillus that is ubiquitous in the environment and commensalises the gastrointestinal tract of most mammals<sup>1</sup>. Five genotypes of ''Clostridium perfringens'' exist, named A-E, and all genotypes produce potent exotoxins. There are 12 exotoxins in total, some of which are lethal and others which are of minor significance<sup>2</sup>. These are produced as pro-toxins, and are converted to their toxic forms by digestive enzymes. The enterotoxaemias are a group of diseases caused by proliferation of ''C. perfringens'' in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and excessive production of exotoxin.
[[Image:clostridium perfringens.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Clostridium Perfingens. Source: Wikimedia Commons; Author:Don Stalons (1974)]]
In healthy animals, there is a balance between multiplication of ''Clostridium perfringens'' and its passage in the faeces. This ensures that infection is maintained at a low level. However, ''C. perfringens'' is saccharolytic and is therefore able to multiply rapidly when large quantities of fermentable carbohydrate are introduced to the anaerobic conditions of the abomasum and small intestine, leading to build-up of exotoxin. Gut stasis, for example due to insufficient dietray fibre or a high gastrointestinal parasite burden, can also contribute to the accumulation of toxins.  
Enterotoxaemia due to ''Clostridium  perfringens''  type B causes severe enteritis and dysentery with a high mortality in young lambs (lamb dysentery), but also affects calves, pigs, and foals. The &beta; toxin it produces is highly necrotising and is responsible for severe intestinal damage. &epsilon; toxin also plays a part in pathogenesis. The incidence of lamb dysentery declined over the past 20 years or so, due to the widespread use of clostridial vaccines<sup>3</sup>, but the condition is now becoming a problem again as complacency reduces the use of vaccination. Outbreaks of lamb dysentery typically occur during cold, wet lambing periods when lambing ewes are confined to small areas of shelter which rapidly become unhygienic. Most cases are seen in stronger, single lambs<sup>3</sup> because these animals consume the largest quantities of milk, which functions as a growth medium for ''C. perfringens''.
Affected animals are unvaccinated lambs of less than two to three weeks old. The condition is most common in neonates between one and three days of age, and typically affects well-fed singletons<sup>3</sup>.
A provisional diagnosis of lamb dysentery can be made on the basis of a history of sudden deaths in well-grown, unvaccinated lambs. This is supported by post-mortem findings and laboratory testing may also be useful.
===Clincal Signs===
===Clinical Signs===
Lamb dysentery often presents as sudden death of lambs less than 2-3 weeks old<sup>2, 3, 4, 5</sup>. When clinical signs are seen, these include cessation of suckling, depression and recumbency<sup>4</sup>. Animals suffer acute abdominal pain, and semi-fluid blood-stained faeces may be passed<sup>2, 3, 4, 5</sup>. However, the rapid course of disease means that faeces are often observed to be normal. In 2-3 week old lambs, lamb dysentery may present with non-specific neurological signs<sup>3</sup>.
Lamb dysentery is an acute disease of lambs <3 wk old. Many may die before signs are seen, but some newborn lambs stop nursing, become listless, and remain recumbent. A fetid, blood-tinged diarrhea is common, and death usually occurs within a few days
===Laboratory Tests===
===Laboratory Tests===
Intestinal contents or peritoneal fluid may be collected post-mortem and submitted for an [[ELISA testing|ELISA test]] to identify clostridial exotoxins. A positive result supports a diagnosis of enterotoxaemia but does not confirm it: animals with immunity to ''Clostridium perfringens'' may have high concentrations of toxin without suffering from its effects.
Hemorrhagic enteritis with ulceration of the mucosa is the major lesion in all species. Grossly, the affected portion of the intestine is deep blue-purple and appears at first glance to be an infarction associated with mesenteric torsion. Smears of intestinal contents can be examined for large numbers of gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria, and filtrates made for detection of toxin and subsequent identification by neutralization with specific antiserum
Intestinal smears and scrapings readily reveal gram-positive rods<sup>3, 6</sup>. Culture of intestinal contents can yield almost pure growths of ''C. perfringens''<sup>6</sup>, but again this is supportive rather than diagnostic of lamb dysentery<sup>3</sup>.
* The gut is blown and distended with foamy ,bloody contents.
* Sometimes ulceration with perforation and fibrinousperitonitis is seen.
On post-mortem examination, segments of the intestines appear dark red-purple and distended, and show mucosal ulceration<sup>3, 6</sup>. The peritoneal fluid is blood-stained and liver may be pale and friable. The kidneys are often enlarged<sup>3</sup>.
* Focal or diffuse congestion and haemorrhage
*Coagulative necrosis of villi.
Histologically, numerous gram-positive rods are present in intestinal smears and scrapings<sup>3, 6</sup>.
* Oedema.
* Haemorrhage.
* Influx of inflammatory cells in the lamina propria and submucosa.
==Treatment and Control==
Presentation of lamb dysentery is usually peracute, with sudden deaths occurring before treatment can be implemented. Even if animals are found prior to death, treatment is usually unrewarding as organs are irreversibly damaged by toxins by the time signs present<sup>2</sup>. Instead, a definitive diagnosis should be pursued before greater losses occur, and the farmer should be encouraged to submit the carcase for further investigations.
Treatment is usually ineffective because of the severity of the disease, but if available, specific hyperimmune serum is indicated, and oral administration of antibiotics may be helpful. The disease is best controlled by vaccination of the pregnant dam during the last third of pregnancy: initially, 2 vaccinations 1 mo apart, and annually thereafter. When outbreaks occur in newborn animals from unvaccinated dams, antiserum should be administered immediately after birth.
As treatment is so ineffective, much emphasis is put on to the control of lamb dysentery. '''Vaccination''' in the face of an outbreak has been shown to be effective<sup>7</sup>, and specific hyperimmune serum can also be administered<sup>4, 6t</sup>. Oral antibiotics may be given<sup>4</sup> but are regarded as a less appropriate therepautic. Management measures such as removing the flock from a particular pasture or reducing concentrate feeding may be implemented in other clostridial diseases but are of no benefit in lamb dysentery: over-ingestion of the dam's milk combined with poor hygiene are responsible for this disease. Therefore, sufficient supervision should be given at lambing time to ensure adequate intakes of colostrum and the maintenance of good hygiene.
Lamb dysentery can be controlled through vaccination against clostridial diseases. Before the development of modern clostridial vaccines in the 1970s, catastrophic losses of up to 30% of the lamb crop could occur due to lamb dysentery<sup>2</sup>. The vaccines used today are effective against a variety of clostridial diseases and some vaccines are combined for effects against ''Pasteurella''. The vaccines consist of toxoids which are inactivated forms of the toxins produced by clostridial organisms. The principles of vaccination are the same whether a clostridium-only or ''Pasteurella''-combined product is used: a sensitising dose must be given 4-6 weeks before a second, confirming dose<sup>2</sup>. As immunity wanes over a period of a year booster doses are required annually. Therefore, ewes should receive the primary vaccination course before entering the breeding flock and an annual booster approximately six weeks before lambing. Timing the booster vaccination in this way affords passive protection to lambs until they are around sixteen weeks of age. Lambs born to unvaccinated ewes should be vaccinated between 3 and 12 weeks old, with a second injection given at least four weeks later.
==Literature Search==
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Treatment is usually ineffective because of the severity of the disease
Use these links to find recent scientific publications via CAB Abstracts (log in required unless accessing from a subscribing organisation).
[http://www.cabdirect.org/search.html?q=title%3A%28%27%27Clostridium+perfringens%27%27+type+B+Enterotoxaemia%29+OR+title%3A%28%22lamb+dysentery%22%29 Lamb dysentery publications]
*[http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp?cfile=htm/bc/50713.htm The Merck Veterinary Manual: Enterotoxemia Caused by ''Clostridium perfringens'' Types B and C]
*[http://www.ivis.org/advances/Disease_Factsheets/epsilon_toxin_clostridium.pdf The Center for Food Security and Public Health Animal Disease Factsheet: Epsilon toxin of ''Clostridium perfringens''.]
*[http://www.noah.co.uk/issues/briefingdoc/22-vaccfarmanimals.htm NOAH: Vaccination of farm animals]
*[http://www.clostridia.net/Cperfringens.htm Clostridia.net - ''Clostridium perfringens'']
#Van Metre (2006) Clostridial Infections of the Ruminant GI Tract. ''Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference 2006''.
#Lewis, C (1998) Aspects of clostridial disease in sheep. ''In Practice'', '''20(9)''', 494-499.
#Sargison, N (2004) Differential diagnosis of diarrhoea in lambs. ''In Practice'', '''26(1)''', 20-27.
#Merck & Co (2008) '''The Merck Veterinary Manual (Eighth Edition)''', ''Merial''.
#Merck & Co (2008) '''The Merck Veterinary Manual (Eighth Edition)''', ''Merial''.
#The Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University (2004) [http://www.ivis.org/advances/Disease_Factsheets/epsilon_toxin_clostridium.pdf Animal Disease Factsheet: Epsilon toxin of Clostridium Perfringens.]
#Songer, J G (1998) Clostridial diseases of small ruminants. ''Veterinary Research'', '''29''', 219-232.
#Songer, J G (1998) Clostridial diseases of small ruminants. ''Veterinary Research'', '''29''', 219-232.
#Watt, A (1980) Neonatal losses in lambs. ''In Practice'', '''2(2)''', 5-9.
#West, D M (1993) Vaccines as therapeutics. ''Proceedings of the Third International Sheep Veterinary Society Conference'', '''17''', 111-115.
#The Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University (2004) [http://www.ivis.org/advances/Disease_Factsheets/epsilon_toxin_clostridium.pdf Animal Disease Factsheet: Epsilon toxin of ''Clostridium perfringens''.]
#Lewis, C (2000) Vaccination of sheep: an update. ''In Practice'', '''22(1)''', 34-39.
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