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The ultrastructural changes on experimental disease consist of periaxonal and intramyelinic oedema in cerebellar white matter and swelling of axon terminals and dendrites in grey matter adjacent to lateral ventricles. Swelling of mitochondria is also an early feature. Occlusion of capillaries by aggregated platelets, accompanied by petechiae in relation to the malacia, suggests that changes in vascular endothelium may be the primary effect of the toxin. This concept is supported by eveidence that the capillaries in affected parts of the brain leak consipcuously within 90 minutes after administration of ''C. perfringens'' type D toxin.
The ultrastructural changes on experimental disease consist of periaxonal and intramyelinic oedema in cerebellar white matter and swelling of axon terminals and dendrites in grey matter adjacent to lateral ventricles. Swelling of mitochondria is also an early feature. Occlusion of capillaries by aggregated platelets, accompanied by petechiae in relation to the malacia, suggests that changes in vascular endothelium may be the primary effect of the toxin. This concept is supported by eveidence that the capillaries in affected parts of the brain leak consipcuously within 90 minutes after administration of ''C. perfringens'' type D toxin.
diseases of sheep: a diagnosis can be established by histology of the brain, in which a characteristic focal symmetric encephalomalacia is seen.
[[Image:pulpy kidney disease.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Pulpy kidney disease- histological (Courtesy of Bristol BioMed Image Archive)]]
[[Image:pulpy kidney disease.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Pulpy kidney disease- histological (Courtesy of Bristol BioMed Image Archive)]]
