*Reported useful for mycoplasma respiratory infections
*Reported useful for mycoplasma respiratory infections
*5 mg/kg IM q24 10-60d
*5 mg/kg IM q24 10-60d
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[http://www.cabi.org/cabdirect/FullTextPDF/2009/20093041788.pdf ''' Comparative antibiotic therapy in reptiles.''' Eatwell, K.; Roberts, V.; British Veterinary Zoological Society, Romford, UK, British Veterinary Zoological Society Proceedings of the November Meeting 2007. The University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Nottingham, UK, 10th-11th November, 2007. Recent advances in comparative medicine, 2007, pp 67-74, 25 ref. - '''Full Text Article''']