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The step in the reproductive process that immediately precedes lactation, uterine involution and return to cyclicity.  It is initiated by the foetus and involves a complex cascade of endocrine events. Parturition is the process by which the conceptus (foetus, placenta and placental membranes) is expelled from the [[Female_Reproductive_Tract_-The_Uterus_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology|uterus]]; this requires [[Parturition - Cervical Softening - Anatomy & Physiology|cervical softening]],[[Parturition - Coordinated Myometrial Contraction - Anatomy & Physiology|coordinated myometrial contractions]] and contraction of abdominal muscles
The step in the reproductive process that immediately precedes lactation, uterine involution and return to cyclicity.  It is initiated by the foetus and involves a complex cascade of endocrine events. Parturition is the process by which the conceptus (foetus, placenta and placental membranes) is expelled from the [[Female_Reproductive_Tract_-The_Uterus_- Anatomy & Physiology|uterus]]; this requires [[Parturition - Cervical Softening - Anatomy & Physiology|cervical softening]],[[Parturition - Coordinated Myometrial Contraction - Anatomy & Physiology|coordinated myometrial contractions]] and contraction of abdominal muscles
to occur
to occur
Author, Donkey, Bureaucrats, Administrators
