Veterinary students


- new students starting this year need to know about WV - now is a good time to enroll - experience has shown that it will be a valuable part of your studies

Why students use WikiVet

- student video or screen capture?

What is in WikiVet?

A reference resource

WikiVet content is easily searchable via the dedicated search engine, so when you want to remind yourself of something or look something up, you should be able to get to it swiftly. You can also navigate our written content or learning resources via species, disciplines or body systems. We hope in this way you will be able to get to the information you want fast, and when you get to it there will hopefully be cited references so you know where the content has come from. We're also working on getting the content reviewed by experts.

Using WikiVet for revision

Many written pages of content have links to relevant flashcards, quizzes or other learning resources that let you test your knowledge of a subject. These resources can even be downloaded as PDF's so you can go through them while on the move

Using WikiVet for learning

We have grouped our content together into categories, so you can work your way through a topic. For instance if you wanted to learn about the anatomy of the alimentary system, you can see all the pages of written content and learning resources we have on that topic.

All of our pages have been written and peer-reviewed by qualified vets, many of them recent graduates. This means they remember what kind of information they needed to know to pass exams, and can summarise topics to the essential knowledge. We provide lots of links on pages so if you're learning about something, it's very easy to then read around it without having to get another book out!

Some useful sections for new students

The following is a course specific navigation route through WikiVet for common topics in a typical veterinary school first term..

Term 1

How you can get more involved in the WikiVet project

- help edit and update content - become a student ambassador - join the WikiVet Facebook site

Details of current WikiVet Ambassadors

-list of all the current student ambassadors (Chris)