
  • Single serotype


  • Pigs


  • Principal viral cause of SMEDI syndrome: Stillbirths, Mummification, Embryonic Deaths, and Infertility
  • Replicates in gastrointestinal epithelium followed by viremia
  • Often no clinical signs in breeding and growing stock
  • Transplacental infection occurs in early pregnancy, with some (but not all) surviving piglets living as carriers


  • About 50% of UK pigs are antibody-positive
  • Transfer is orofecal or via fomites
  • Outbreaks occur as herd is developing immunity
  • Congenitally infected piglets act as herd reservoir


  • Immunostaining of fetal tissues
  • Virus isolation in cell culture
  • HA on feces
  • Rising antibody titres in paired serum sample by HAI


  • Inactivated vaccine (UK) or live attenuated (USA)
  • Infected piglets should be culled

SMEDI syndrome leading to stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death or infertility.