During February 2012 the OVAM project team have been busy visiting the UK vet schools and colleges which are partners in the project, as well as using internet conferencing to discuss the project with partners further afield such as Murdoch University in Australia and Bern in Switzerland. Other international partners and contacts include the University of Murcia in Spain and Hannover in Germany.

We received an incredibly warm welcome from everywhere we visited and during our time at each school we were able to start an inventory of the resources which will make up the museum, as well as lots of new and very useful ideas which will help us structure the final user experience for the better. An important idea which was formed during the visits was the idea of having a competition for students to submit their best short powerpoint of anatomy images, the best of which will be incorporated into the museum, so keep your eyes peeled for more information if you are interested in participating!

Behind the scenes we have been busy starting to organise all the small bits and pieces which go towards making a project like this possible. Bara, the Project Manager attended the JISC Web Usability workshop and found it very useful, if you are interested in reading more about some of the things she learnt see her post in the OVAM blog.