Enzootic Pneumonia - Calves

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Acute suppurative pneumonia (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)
Calf pneumonia - chronic, with abscesses, fibrosis (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)
  • Range of infectious agents together with managemental and environmental stress cause damage to the respiratory tract
  • Causes unthriftiness in animals < 6 months old
  • Usually the primary pathogen is a virus, secondary pathogens are bacteria and mycoplasmas
  • Pathogens:
  • All transmitted by aerosol and direct contact
  • Gross pathology:
    • Consolidation of the cranioventral areas which increases in volume with duration
    • On cut surface, exudate in the main airway of affected lobules with thickening of the surrounding connective tissue
  • Micro pathology:
    • Substantial lymphoid tissue around the airways
    • Even to proper follicle formation, some of which may be large enough to compress the lumen
    • Mixed cell exudate in the airway lumen
    • Partial alveolar collapse distal to the compression
    • Alveolar exudate contains a mixture of inflammatory cells
    • Slight thickening of the alveolar walls with lymphocytes