Clinical Case 4 - Page 4

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Courtesy of C. Antonczyk

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(Courtesy of C. Antonczyk)

What is this?

  • This is a mite. It has short, stumpy legs, making it a burrowing mite. This is Sarcoptes scabiei var canis, the sarcoptic mange mite of dogs.

Can this condition affect the owner?

  • Yes. WARN THE OWNER THAT THIS IS A ZOONOTIC DISEASE. Sarcoptes scabiei is host adapted and is therefore unlikely to flourish on a human host, but it is still capable of causing an irritating rash. This is most commonly found on the hands and arms of the owner, where they come into contact with the dog. In humans, the lesions sometimes take on the appearance of raised tunnels. Immunocompromied people can develop a very severe form of the disease with extensive crusting, known as Norwegian scabies. This is useful to know to help with diagnosis of the animal's condition but do not be tempted to treat the owner! A vet should never advise the owner on this, just as a medical doctor should not treat an animal.

How is this condition treated?

  • Molly was treated with two appliations of selamectin, one month apart.

What else should you advise the owner to do?

  • Treat the other dog.