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Or they may evolve directly and emerge 8-10 weeks later as LL3. They will then evolve into L4, at which stage they will emerge from a nodule.
Or they may evolve directly and emerge 8-10 weeks later as LL3. They will then evolve into L4, at which stage they will emerge from a nodule.
Encysted, or hypobiotic larvae are unaffected by [[Anthelmintics Drugs]]. These encysted larvae represent around 50% of the total population.  After emergence of the cyst, L4 transforms into L5. They then transform into adults in the lumen.
Encysted, or hypobiotic larvae are unaffected by [[Anthelmintic Drugs]]. These encysted larvae represent around 50% of the total population.  After emergence of the cyst, L4 transforms into L5. They then transform into adults in the lumen.
If hypobiosis does not occur, the prepatent period is 6-14 weeks.
If hypobiosis does not occur, the prepatent period is 6-14 weeks.


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