
This extension allows .wmv files to be streamed from external sites/servers on WikiVet via an embedded Windows Media Player.


The player is called using the <wmvplayer> ... </wmvplayer> tags. The following parameters are then declared between the tags by writing parameter=value. Each parameter is seperated by a '|'.

Parameter Value (Default) Output Required
file URL of '.wmv' file Instructs player where to look for the video Essential
height In pixels Defines the players height in pixels Essential
width In pixels Defines the players width in pixels Essential
mute True/False (False) Determines whether player is initially muted Optional
Volume 0-100 (50) Sets initial volume Optional



Gives <wmvplayer>file=http://stream2.rvc.ac.uk/Anatomy/bovine/pot0175.wmv%7Cwidth=300%7Cheight=300</wmvplayer>